Sunday, July 26, 2009

"Doctor, I get heartburn every time I eat birthday cake."

"Next time, take off the candles."

We celebrate your birthday, as you turn twenty-one today,

but we have got the gift, just the perfect gift,
that on this very special day, God gave away,
a gift of love from up above, so unique and so rare.

'we asked God for a flower and He gave us a bouquet
we asked God for a minute and He gave us a day
we prayed to God for true love and He gave us that too
we prayed to God for an angel and He gave us you.
..... you are the joyful moments through our sorrow,
..... you are our hope and promise of our tomorrow.

May God bless you, dear angel
especially on this day that marks your birth,
for all the special ways you bring a bit of heaven into our world.
May God bless you, Today, Tomorrow and Always
in Peace, in Health, in Happiness, and in Love.
- Mom and Dad -

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Just kidding, Jesus

Yesus wafat dan masuk surga. Hal pertama yang ia lakukan adalah mencari Bapa-Nya, karena Dia belum pernah bertemu dengan Bapa-Nya dan sangat ingin tahu.

Seperti apa wajah-Nya, apa Dia tinggi atau pendek, apa Yesus lebih mirip Bapa-Nya atau mirip ibu-Nya, dan lain-lain.

Namun Yesus tidak dapat menemukan Bapa-Nya.

Yesus bertanya pada Santo Petrus, "Dimana Bapa-Ku?" Santo Petrus menjawab tidak tahu.

Yesus pun bertanya pada malaikat Gabriel, "Dimana Bapa-ku?" Gabriel juga tidak tahu.

Yesus bertemu Yohanes Pembaptis dan bertanya, "Dimana ayahku?"

Tetapi lagi-lagi Yohanes menjawab tidak tahu.

So..., Yesus keliling surga untuk mencari Bapa-Nya.

Tiba-tiba dari kejauhan Yesus melihat orang tua datang ke arah-Nya. Orang itu tampak sangat tua, dengan rambut putih, dan sedikit bungkuk.

"Stop!" Yesus berteriak. "Siapa Anda?"
"Oh, please help me, aku mencari anakku," jawab orangtua itu.

Yesus jadi sangat curious. Could this be my father?

"Beritahu aku tentang anak Anda, old man," pinta Yesus
"Oh, Anda akan tahu jika melihat dia. Ada lubang di telapak tangannya bekas dia dulu dipaku......”

Tanpa menunggu orang tersebut menyelesaikan kalimatnya, Yesus langsung memeluknya dan menjerit, “Bapa!!!!!!!!!!!”

Mendengar itu, orangtua tersebut membalas pelukan Yesus sambil menangis haru dan berkata, “Pinokio, akhirnya aku menemukanmu!!!”

Have you smile today?
God Bless You.

For All My Friend

If One Day

If one day you feel like crying, call me
I don't promise that I will make you laugh, but I can cry with you
If one day you want to run away, don't be afraid to call me
I don't promise to ask you stop, but I can run with you
If one day you don't want to listen anyone, call me
I promise to be there with you and I promise to be very quiet
... because you're my friend and I love you.

if one day you call me and there's no answer
come fast to see me, maybe I need you
Because when I have unsolved problem
there's nothing more I want than you to be my side.